
It's that time again.......you can blame hope4grace if you read something here that causes you emotional or mental anguish.
Tagged: Six Things You NEVER Wanted to Know About Bigest1brat

1)So I am a major people watcher. From what they say, do, wear and act. I remember everything about a person without even meeting them. I can ever tell you what there name is or if they have a secret. My ears are that good. I just act like they are not good. So trust me when I tell you about a person that I really don’t know them I just know about them and I can tell if they are lying to me too.

2)I can’t stand to plan things out. I am very spontaneous. So for the one that tagged me, this is too much planning now on my part. But I like them so I will try.

3)I really have no sense for style. I wing it all the way. I promise. Now you are probably thinking, “Yeah right.” It is true. So I will tell you that I buy the worst looking thing on the rack. Not because it is nice. But I will look good in it and people tell me I do. So I can see who lies…. It is funny but I love to see what people’s faces tell you before they open their mouth. How ever I do this because I am cheap and fashion-less.

4)Okay so you should know by now I am a true blonde. I love attention. I mean I will get it anyway I have to. I don’t dare leave my house without hair and make-up or nice cloths. I always try to look what I think is hot. I have to have that look or whistle or comment from people. I thrive on it. If I don’t get it then I am looking a hot mess. But you can ask any one of my friends I do get attention all the time and it is nice.

5)Now this is something no one knows about me. Being I am blonde I totally try to play that role of not knowing or understanding or that I don’t know what your talking about. I will also let you think your in control. It is all about mind games and I play them well. I really know all and I mean all that is going on in my house. You might think I don’t but man your wrong. You also might really think my husband wears the pants. Hello, someone has to make him feel like he does… get me. So if he thinks he does then all goes well at my house. If he only knew that I wear them and I have him thinking he is in charge for a reason. I can’t tell you anymore than that because you are making me blow my cover people.

6)I am a smart person, really I am.

Now you have to do this

1) Link to the person who tagged you.2) Post the rules on your blog (copy and paste 1-6).3) Write 6 random things about yourself (see below).4) Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them.5) Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.6) Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
2 Responses
  1. Hope4Grace Says:

    I already knew 5 & 6 does that make me the shit or what?

  2. BigestBrat Says:

    yeah... it does.. But I knew about yours....