Pool time!
1:17 PM
So how can can you fly??
I thought I would share some summer fun with you all. Lately it has been hotter than 100 outside so we swim everyday.
Can you fall straight back?? With out bending anything? Well if you can I bet it hurt when you the water.....
How about fall onto your belly?? Now he has his knees bent but at the next one....
Smash! SPLASH! Look at that belly flop there. Can you say Owe?
I guess she had way to much pain to do another back flop. So lets go in sideways....
Well that was just some of our pool time. I am sure we will have more to come. Maybe one day we will have family down to enjoy the Florida sun with us.
I thought I would share some summer fun with you all. Lately it has been hotter than 100 outside so we swim everyday.
Okay so the man has started another round of pilot training. This time it is longer so he will be studying more. Should be pretty easy for us all as dad has been doing homework for years. At least he his home. The only thing that sucks this time for him is the drive. He has to drive 1 hour or more everyday for classes. So we will be busy looking for things to do and places to go while dad is working here at home. Sounds like fun. Can't wait.
Well I am going to go now talk to you people later.
Where's the hot blonde in a bikini?
Love the pool baby girl, I can see why you never call anymore, I've been replaced by SPF 90....
Well the hot blonde in the bikini does not live here....but the one that wears tankinis lives here.:)