12:19 PM
So I have sissy going to summer school reading camp. Good stuff and she should excel with the reading coaches she has. Well she has to be at school at 8ish or so and gets out about 1230ish. So her damn bus comes at 0645 and drops off at 1:30 everyday. NOT today, her bus drove by with out stopping today. WTF where is my kid? I called the school telling them that she drove by without stopping. They said we will find her. They did a, "Ma'am she will be turning around to drop back by." Okay 30 min went by and no kid. I called again and they gave me the department of transportation. I called and man I tell you what talk about a pissed off mom. The lady was like oh I remember that name hold on. Of course you better I have called on a damn hunt for ass. She said well it is a sub and she is running late. I don't think so, these are children of worried ass parents you don't run late in today's world. I can understand 5 minutes but my child did not come home until 1 hour and 40 minutes later. WTF is up with that crap??? I even did a damn police report. You don't do that crap. So I fell a ton better now that I had a search party and they brought her home. I am sure she will not ride the bus anymore for the summer.