This is me on the way home. Just trying to show you the hair color....

You see the color and cut now??

So can you tell that I have lazy dogs.

SP this is me after I colored my hair. I think it looks good, what do you think?

The man and
Bubba in a castle that we found at the top of Sleeping Giant. Very nice place.

Sissy over looking the east side of CT.

The entrance to the castle
So this is the trail that goes up to many places. Very peaceful place to be.

The reason we went out was to look at the foliage in CT.
Bubba, The Man and Sissy climbed as many rocks as they could.

Our first stop on the way to the top.

The boys had to go looking for hiking sticks. So we could make it to the top.

Sissy found a stick and off she was going.

SO on the way the boys were very nervous and this was the only spot that Duke was somewhat happy to be in until we let him come to the front.

Bubba..... Beau really did not like the car ride that much.

Okay so nothing to do with out trip but last weekend we carved pumpkins. This is
bubbas version of batman....

So I carved this skull and cross bones. Looks very nice I must say.

Now this one was, (Cover your ears) a bitch. The man and I carved this one together. Very hard work but I must tell you after we lite it up it was worth all the hard we put into it. SO that is all I have to show you right now. Hope you liked our stuff.... see you next time.